As the trading week comes to a close, investors are likely to look into the stocks of those companies that may have come into the news cycle this morning. One of the companies that could be worth tracking this morning is Nitches Inc. (OTC:NICH), which made a key new announcement, and that could bring attention to the stock.
New Breakthrough
This morning the company provided a new release in which it revealed how Nitches and its fully owned subsidiary unit InTheZone Labs had been the inspiration for a team of researchers, biochemists, and scientists to create a breakthrough next-level nootropic.
The company announced that the nootropic had been seen to have helped driven individuals to not only crush their deadlines but also accomplish demanding tasks easily. The product in question had also been shared with 33 high-powered professionals from different professions, and 935 of them reported to have experienced sharper memory, higher productivity, and greater focus.
Further Information
The company noted that the nootropic from InTheZone could help professionals, entrepreneurs, and even former professional sportsmen to get the required power to get through tough days with ease. It remains to be seen if the stock gets any traction over the coming days or not.