Global Developments Inc (OTC:GDVM) Unveils Blockchain Platform to Transform Digital Operations and Enterprise Solutions

Global Developments Inc (OTC:GDVM), which is currently known as Vee Most Technologies, could be one of the companies to keep an eye on this morning, in light of fresh developments. The company had hit the news cycle yesterday after it made an announcement with regards to a new strategic initiative.

Blockchain Platform Initiative

On Tuesday Global Developments announced that it had embarked on a new strategic initiative for the purpose of building a proprietary enterprise grade blockchain platform. The platform in question would be aimed at helping governmental organisation and businesses with efficient, secure and transparent digital solutions. It was a particularly significant announcement from the company because it signified the company’s entry into the blockchain ecosystem. The larger focus of Global Developments in the initiative would be to eventually move its focus to real world products that would be involved with digital identities, supply chain management, licensing and payments.

The Rationale

In the news release, Global Developments announced that the decision to move into the blockchain space was in line with its larger focus on the development of trust, innovation and transparency for clients. It was further noted that it would also position the company as a major player in the fast growing digital realm.