Now Corporation (OTC:NWPN) Stock On Watchlist After The Latest Development

If you are currently interested in renewable energy plays, this morning it might be a good idea to keep an eye on the Now Corporation (OTC:NWPN) stock. This morning the company came into focus after it sent out a news release with regards to the significant progress it was making through Green Rain Solar Inc, its renewable energy subsidiary.

EV Infra Push

In the news release, it was revealed that through Green Rain Solar, Now Corporation was making considerable progress in boosting the electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure among disadvantaged communities spread across the United States. This morning the company announced that it had concluded a feasibility study with regards to the project located at 1600 West Ridge Road located in Rochester, New York. As a consequence of the study, the company would be able to advance with its installation plans.

Further Information

The company went on to note in the announcement that the latest project was also in alignment with the provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act. The act specifically prioritized the flow of investments into the disadvantaged areas through considerable tax credits aimed at clean energy initiatives. It remains to be seen if the Now Corporation gets any traction today.