Global WholeHealth Partners Corp (OTCMKTS: GWHP), which is a multination supplier of more than 70 FDA-approved tests that include TB, Zika, Ebola, Dengue, and Malaria, as well as lines of tests for SARS-CoV-2, has announced that it is ready in the fight against the coronavirus.
Global WholeHealth’s Antibody and Antigen test can detect delta variant
With the pandemic yet to be contained in the US and new variants emerging, the company needed to ensure that it keeps up with the world and nation’s needs. As a risk, the company has confirmed that its Antigen and Antibody Test Kits can detect the mutant COVID-19 variants such as the newest Delta strain. The delta strain was reported first in December 2020 in India, which led to massive outbreaks in the country.
The company’s CEO, Charles Strong, said, “There is no better way to Stop the Spread of COVID-19 and its various mutated strains then by utilizing the rapid antibody test or antigen test kits that we offer to accurately detect those who have become infected and having them immediately quarantine. With some of the variants being resistant to vaccines, like the DELTA (B1.6117.2) and South Africa strain B.1.351, testing more people and following the CDC guidelines is the way to win this war on COVID.”
Global WholeHealth offers updated in Salud Previa
The company has offered an update on Salud Previa of Tijuana, Mexico. Salud Previa had sales agents, medical doctors, distributors, and administrators, and it offers its transportation people for logistics. In addition, it has contacts with doctors, hospitals, and pharmacies, and as a result, it is moving quickly with various tests. Among Salud Previa’s first orders were drug tests and CPVID-19 antigen and Antibody tests. Global WholeHealth’s partnership with Salud is based on the company’s core business besides COVID-19 tests.