SenesTech Inc (NASDAQ:SNES) Stock Falls 10% in a Month: Here is Why

SenesTech Inc (NASDAQ:SNES) recently declared its financial results for the second quarter of this year. The corporate house has reported a 125% increase in revenue during the same quarter of last year. Additionally, as far as year-to-date gains are concerned, the group also recorded a spike of 130%.

It is learned that several markets have embraced ContraPest. The same, according to sources is regarded as one of the contributors to the group’s growth. SenesTech Inc continues to thrive in the California market, from where solid and steady growth is reported. In California, recently, the use a few components related to pest control alternatives was made legal. The same has created business opportunities for non-lethal, effective pest control alternatives.

According to reports, the company has to its credit close to 500 active customers, and more than 250 first-time (new) users were added in the second quarter of 2021. To explore business opportunities and penetrate the market, the company is investing in advertising, branding, image building, and public relations activities and initiatives. As part of this ongoing effort, SenesTech Inc has launched its website. Besides this, the corporate house is entering into partnerships, joining critical distributors, and collaborating with pest management experts.

Market Reaction:

On Friday, SNES stock fell 0.66% at $1.51 with more than 35k shares, compared to its average volume of 212K shares. The stock has moved within a range of $1.5000 – 1.5500 after opening the trade at $1.53.