Every day there are a number of stocks which emerge as the ones to watch and it becomes quite important for investors to not miss out on some of those stocks. This article gives you a fairly detailed look into a range of stocks which you could add to your watch lists at this point in time.

Wearable Health Solutions Inc (OTCMKTS:WHSI) – The wearable health devices industry is on the up and for good reason too, as people become more and more conscious about their health. There are now plenty of companies which are involved in this sectors and Wearable Health Solutions Inc is one of the many.

It is a relatively small company when compared to many of its peers but one thing that investors need to keep in mind is that the company has already launched its products into the market. There could be more products to follow soon and that makes Wearable Health Solutions an interesting proposition for investors.

The company was actually in the news not too long ago on August 18 when it announced that it was soon going to launch its new range of 4G products. Peter Pizzino, who is the President of the company, noted at the time that Wearable Health Solutions had received the requisite inventory and the products were going to be launched through the vendor and dealer networks.

It was also announced at the time that the launch was to take place in the month of August. It is now going to be interesting to see if the latest launch leads to any traction for the Wearable Health Solutions stock.


Brazil Minerals Inc (OTCMKTS:BMIX) – Brazil Minerals Inc saw its stock clock gains of 9% yesterday and therefore took the gains over the past week to as much as 62%.

There was no news about the company yesterday but last week on August 22, the company had announced that it had been successful in completing the acquisition of as many as 4 lithium mineral rights. The four lithium mineral rights span across an area of as much as 9418 acres.

Barrel Energy Inc (OTCMKTS:BRLL) – Over the course of the past week, the Barrel Energy Inc stock has been on a roll and clocked gains of as much as 32%.

As it happens, the company had been in the news back on August 24 when it announced that it had been successful in discovering a big lithium-in-brine field that is situated in a former oil producing area. These formations are stretched across a number of counties in the south-central part of the United States.

Coastal Capital Acquisition Corp (OTCMKTS:CCAJ) – There has been no news at all about Coastal Capital Acquisition Corp in recent times but the stock was in for heavy action yesterday and ended the day with gains of 18%. The company was established in 1999 and currently operates as a special purpose acquisition company, which is hunting for a merger, share swap and other related business combinations.

Mass Megawatts (OTCMKTS:MMMW) – Last but not least, it is the Mass Megawatts that could be tracked now after it delivered gains of 7% yesterday.

There was no news about the company but back on August 15 it had announced that it was targeting a total of 10 communities in Massachusetts that had been allowed to limit the or ban the usage of fossil fuels in new constructions. It had come into action under the provisions of the new Massachusetts Clean Energy Law that had been passed earlier on this month.