Health Advance Inc (OTCMKTS:HADV) CBD Infused Wine Beverage Begins Distribution

The CBD industry has grown at a fairly impressive pace over the course of the past few years and a large port of it is due to the fact that many companies have managed to come up with highly innovative products. The products cater to a diverse clientele and manage to create new markets.

One of the companies to have done significant work on this front is Health Advance Inc (OTCMKTS:HADV) and last week the company made a major new announcement with regards to one of its products. On August 24 Health Advance announced that it had finally started the distribution of its CBD laced de-alcoholizedwine beverage.

The brand is known as 66 Degree Beverage Company and at the time it was noted that the distribution is going to be managed through the company’s plant located in Buffalo. The operations are going to be managed by Courtship Wines, which is a division of Health Advance. It was a major new announcement from the company and may have led to considerable optimism from among investors as well.

In this context, it is perhaps also necessary to point out that the 66’ Beverage Company brand is also a unique licensed on in New York since it deploys proprietary techniques for the purpose of achieving the highest possible CBD infusion into the beverage. The product offers the added benefit of being de-acloholized.

Health Advance also claimed that the new product is also going to set the bar high in the industry for similar CBD based beverages with regards to quality and innovation. It is going to be made available in a total of three variants- Red Wine, White Wine and Rose. The products are going to be sold in cans and each of the cans will contain as much as 25 mg of broad spectrum CBD.