Averox (OTCMKTS:AVRI) Stock On Radar the Acquisition News

One of the companies to have made a major new announcement on Monday was Averox (OTCMKTS:AVRI) and it may be a good time for investors to consider having a closer look into it.

Averox Acquires a Hot Drone Company

The company announced that back on March 3, 2023, it had picked up all interests in the private company Cali from Above from its own President Robert Goldstein. It could well prove to be a major new acquisition considering the fact that Cali from Above is involved in the fast-growing drone dealership and rent-a-pilot businesses. In addition to that, it is perhaps also necessary to point out that the company is also involved in the design and sales of drone accessories.

It sells forensic drone payloads, and offers drone inspection of solar panels as well as wind turbines and construction projects. There are many other drone-based inspection services which are offered by Cali from Above. The company is now going to be a fully owned subsidiary unit of Averox. In the past, Averox had mainly been known as a software development entity, however, the company is now making a move into industries with higher growth rates, and hence, the move into the drone business is perhaps understandable.