Blue Diamond Ventures Inc. (OTC:BLDV) Achieves Steady Revenue Growth with Ongoing Success

Blue Diamond Ventures Inc (OTC:BLDV) has set up Blue Diamond Management Services LLC as a new wholly-owned subsidiary for capturing extra revenue streams from licensed operations in the cannabis industry. Ownership and investment in Cannabis are being explored by companies, which may not have the knowledge to develop a Participation Strategy as well as a Competitive Strategy for operations in specific states. BLDV management services bring robust business practices with cannabis market understanding, which can be helpful for operators.

Yale Peebles, CEO of BLDV said that several people need help once they get the license. Peebles added that the company’s managed services guide operators through steady profitability and help set up operations.

The Blue Diamond package is not just focused on getting ownership or providing capital but rather the fee-based services are welcome in the industry. The fresh revenue stream complements existing streams of the wholly owned BLDV operating entities: ICS Consulting Services LLC, (Compliance, Audits, Training, and Consulting) and Harvest 360 Technologies LLC (Applications, Accelerators, and Expansion).

Harvest 360 Technologies LLC and GrowGeneration Corp, the largest chain of specialty hydroponic and organic garden centers in the country announced the final phase of the New Jersey NEXTGEN education and training accelerator for micro-cultivation cannabis license applicants.

Todd Scattini, Co-Founder of Harvest 360 said that the firm is opening applications for the last group of finalists. Scattini added that it is exciting to see the program in action and watch teams in the first cohort flourish through access to materials, education, and coaching.

GrowGeneration, the founding NEXTGEN Program Partner as well as Exclusive Equipment Supplier has made many commitments through sponsorship of the first 15 scholarships. The company has begun a program for extra Program Partners to bring the final group of teams.

Grand Prize winners would be shortlisted from finalists, including from previous groups. The 5 Grand Prize Winners would receiving a special package of startup support from GrowGeneration, Harvest 360, and new incoming Program Partners. The Final Five winners would be announced at GrowGen booth on November 30th 2023 at MjBizCon show in Las Vegas.

Yale Peebles, CEO of Blue Diamond Ventures said that Cannabis Licensing Accelerators are becoming vital revenue stream for Harvest 360 Technologies. Peebles added that Harvest operates accelerators in Missouri and New Jersey. The CEO added that they are in the planning stage for two extra accelerator projects.A portfolio company focusing on adult use and Medical Cannabis industries, Blue Diamond Ventures is going to market through strategic partners and operating entities.