Tempus Resources Ltd (OTCMKTS:TMRR) Stock In Focus After A$1M Private Placement

August 29, 2022

Anyone who may be looking into the possibility of tracking gold stocks this week could consider taking a look at the Tempus Resources Ltd (OTCMKTS:TMRR) stock. The company is described as a gold exploration company focused on growth and at this point, it is involved in projects in Ecuador and Canada. Trading Data On Friday, TMRR stock ended flat at $0.2700 with more than 2.50K shares, compared to its average…


Why Did Cloud DX Inc (OTCMKTS:CDXFF) Soar 48% On Friday?

August 29, 2022

It was a fairly great day for investors in Cloud DX Inc (OTCMKTS:CDXFF) this past Friday as the stock came into sharp focus and ended up with gains of as much as 48% amidst heavy interest. Trading Data On Friday, CDXFF stock moved up 47.45% to $0.1622 with more than 69.50K shares, compared to its average volume of 3.33K shares. The stock moved within a range of $0.1175 – 0.1622…


Pro Music Rights Inc (OTCMKTS:NUVG) Stock Gains Further Momentum

August 29, 2022

This past Friday there were a number of stocks that had managed to clock notable and one such stock was Pro Music Rights Inc (OTCMKTS:NUVG), which ended up with gains of as much as 8% for the day. It is one of the biggest music licensing companies in the world and last Thursday the company announced that it had made a submission to FINRA with regards to a change of…


OIL Expected to Soar After Labor Day Stocks to Watch: HNRC, AMYZF, MMMW

August 26, 2022

The energy sector has been in considerable focus among investors over the course of the past few months and for a good reason too. The current geopolitical climate has resulted in a situation in which the energy sector has seen massive ups and down and hence, there was an opportunity for many enterprising investors throughout the year. The opportunities still exist and this article is going to give you a…


Human Unitec International, Inc. (OTC: HMNU): A Medical Investment Play

August 26, 2022

Human Unitec International, Inc. (OTC: HMNU) a Medical Technology, Treatment, and Equipment company specializing in MSK Kinesis Technology and protocols for pain management therapies. The therapies and the protocols are been adopted as Parkinson remedies and are been important for the prevention of blood clots and thrombosis. Also a Swiss global leader of Stems Cells research and applications. One of the companies to have made a move into several potentially…


Gaensel Energy (OTC:GEGR) Offers Investment Diversification in 2022-2023

August 26, 2022

Gaensel Energy Group, Inc. (OTC:GEGR) The Company’s holdings include a wide variety of industries such as Traditional Energy, Green Energy and Alternative Energy, as well as, Biotech, Software/Gaming and Virtual Reality (“VR”), Health and Beauty Retail Coffee, Technology, CRM & Data, General Contracting, Patented Building Supplies, Bitcoin Mining, Agriculture, etc, among others  Gaensel Energy Group is a company that has a wide range of interests and hence, provides the possibility…


5 Penny Stocks for Todays Watchlist: WHSI, BOXS, DPLS, HPNN, HALB

There are a number of stocks which have performed fairly strongly this week so far and as the trading week winds down to a close, investors are still going to be on the lookout for stocks that may be worth tracking. That being said, it is not possible for investors to track all those stocks and hence, this article is going to present to you a quartet of stocks that…

August 26, 2022

Nighthawk Gold Corp (OTCMKTS:MIMZF) Concludes 2022 Exploration Program Drilling Ahead of Schedule

August 26, 2022

One of the stocks which may be looked into this morning by investors is that of Nighthawk Gold Corp (OTCMKTS:MIMZF) due to the key announcement that had been made by the company yesterday. The company was in the news yesterday after it announced that it had been successful in completing its 2022 Exploration Program drilling activities ahead of schedule. Trading Data On Thursday, MIMZF stock soared 1.65% to $0.2900 with…


Verde Bio Holdings (OTCMKTS:VBHI) Stock Watchlist After New Drilling Occurring on its Properties

August 26, 2022

Yesterday, Verde Bio Holdings (OTCMKTS:VBHI) was in the news after the company made a major new announcement with regards to its operations. The company announced that due to the continued high prices of natural gas and oil, it has continued to raise its well count as well. Trading Data On Thursday, VBHI stock ended flat at $0.0027 with 7.89 million shares, compared to volume of 6.98 million shares. The stock…


Blue Biofuels (OTCMKTS:BIOF) Stock In Focus After Recent News

August 26, 2022

It was a momentous day for Blue Biofuels as the company announced that it had hit a significant milestone in the quest to scale up its Cellulose-to-Sugar proprietary reactor system. In light of such a major announcement, it is going to be interesting to see if the Blue Biofuels (OTCMKTS:BIOF) stock can come on to the radars of investors or not. Trading Data On Thursday, BIOF stock slumped 1% to…