There are going to be a fair number of stocks which are going to get significant action in the markets today but at the same time it should be noted that it is difficult to predict the identity of those stocks in advance. That being said, it may be a good idea for investors to perhaps take a look at some of the stocks which may be likely to be…

August 16, 2022

JZZ Technologies Inc (OTCMKTS:JZZI) Stock Gains After Recent Development

August 16, 2022

There were a fair number of stocks that had started the week on a pretty strong footing on Monday and this morning most of those stocks are going to come on to the radars of investors. That being said, it may be difficult for investors to actually start tracking all of those stocks, and hence, it is necessary to be a touch selective. One of the stocks which had managed…


GGTOOR Inc (OTCMKTS:GTOR) Stock Soars As Company Sold a Parcel of Land in GGTOORCITY for $7,200,000!

August 16, 2022

GGTOOR Inc., is an emerging leader in the eSports markets and looking to make its foray into the Metaverse too. It has purchased enough virtual land, consisting of 4,144 parcels, to form its own virtual city that will be called GGTOORCITY. It has held two hundred twenty video game tournaments and has given away over $100,000 in cash and prizes. The company website is continually being customized and upgraded, with…


Here To Serve Holding Corp (OTCMKTS:HTSC) Stock in Focus As Company Issues Financial Updates

August 16, 2022

Due to the current geopolitical climate, the commodities market has been in the middle of considerable turbulence and hence, it has also made it possible for enterprising investors to make fortunes in the metals sector. There are plenty of options for investors who are currently looking into the possibility of investing in metal stocks, however, at the same time, it is also necessary to conduct diligent research on any particular…


WaterPure International Inc (OTCMKTS:WPUR) Stock Soars On Merger News

August 16, 2022

There were some stocks that had clocked exceptional gains on Monday and it is quite likely that legions of investors, as well as analysts, are going to be watching all those stocks fairly closely this morning. In this regard, it is perhaps important to remember that investors need to figure out if such stock is going to continue to add to its gains or if there is going to be…


LiveWire Ergogenics Inc (OTCMKTS:LVVV) Stock In Focus After Q2 Earnings

August 16, 2022

One of the best ways of making long-term wealth in the stock market is by identifying stocks a bit ahead of the rest of the market. If one is able to do that then it is possible to reap the rewards when the upward movement eventually happens. While there is no guarantee that such strategies may always work out, it may be a good idea for investors to consider this…


OTC Stocks With Big Potential: WHSI, GDET, BMXI, TBRIF, ALST, DKSC

Like every day, there are going to be certain stocks which are going to get more traction among investors on the markets. It is perhaps often a good idea for investors to perhaps have a bit of an idea about some of those stocks before the opening of the markets. While it is impossible to predict which stocks are going to get action, it is often prudent to have a…

August 15, 2022

OTC Gainers to Watch Now! BLQC, BLFE, BLLB, HMNU, IJJP, VTXB

August 15, 2022

It is often noticed that investors end up finding veritable gems from the OTC Markets and that happens quite frequently. While there are plenty of gems, it is also necessary to keep in mind that it is important for investors to put in the necessary research in order to identify these stocks. This article provides you with a list of a few stocks which you could well look into. Bell…


Breakout Stocks to Watch Now! SNRG, GEGR, PYBX, HNRC, GEMS.C/TLOOF

August 15, 2022

Every morning investors flock to the markets in order to discover the latest stocks that may be on the verge of big upward moves. However, at the same time, it is also necessary to keep in mind that an investor needs to put in hours of diligent research in order to discover those stocks. This article is going to provide you with an overview of some of the stocks that…