Investors are often known to look for stocks that have gathered momentum in order to identify the ones that they may invest in and that is often a fairly sound rationale. The stock which gains momentum may sometimes get winds in its sails and continue to be in the middle of a rally regardless of other factors. Hence, it may be a good idea for investors to track such stocks….

August 5, 2022

ILUS International Inc (OTCMKTS:ILUS) Stock In Focus After Q2 Earnings

August 5, 2022

There has almost always been a certain degree of interest in the mergers and acquisitions sector because of the possibility of ushering in strong economies of scale which may often lead to the unlocking of tremendous value. There are plenty of companies that investors may consider looking into if they are currently looking into investing in mergers and acquisition stocks. One of the companies which could well be looked into…


NFL Retired Players Association Endorses Halberd Corporation (OTCMKTS:HALB) – See BLLB, HMNU, RSHN, HADV, ALST

August 5, 2022

As another trading week closes, the quest for discovering new stocks does not come to a stop and investors are going to continue to hunt for stocks that they may fancy. However, at the same time, it ought to be noted that the number of stocks worth tracking may actually be quite high and hence, there is a need to be selective with one’s choices. This article provides you with…


Energy Players Gaining Momentum: AMYZF, SNRG, HNRC, GEGR, GEMS.C / TLOOF

August 5, 2022

The energy sector has been one of the more sought-after sectors in recent months due to the overall volatility in the sector and many investors have managed to generate considerable returns due to that dynamic. The situation remains the same at this point and hence, it may be a good idea for investors to consider taking a look at some of the stocks from the energy sector this morning. There…


ResGreen Group (OTCMKTS:RGGI) Stock Pulls Back After Recent Developments

August 4, 2022

It was not a particularly great day in the markets for ResGreen Group (OTCMKTS:RGGI) shareholders on Wednesday as the company’s stock suffered from a fairly strong selloff and went down by as much as 7% for the day. If a stock falls by such a degree then it may be a good time for investors to perhaps work out if the decline is going to continue in the near term…


Energy Alert Mass Megawatts (OTC:MMMW) Innovative Solar Made in America

August 3, 2022

The renewable energy sector is on the radars of many investors nowadays and for good reason too, considering the possibilities of the future. Hence, it is no wonder that investors are almost always on the hunt for stocks in the sector. If you are currently looking for a stock in the sector then you could consider taking a look at the Mass Megawatts Wind Power Inc (OTCMKTS:MMMW) stock this morning….


Stocks on the Bounce: GEGR, SNRG, MMMW, KAVL, SFET

August 3, 2022

Every day there are stocks that bounce back after having gone through a bit of a slump and it is a good idea for investors to consider taking a look at some of those stocks closely. It may often be possible to generate significant returns through these stocks. This week there are some stocks that are on the path to recovery and this article seeks to give you a good…


Wednesday’s Momentum List: WHSI, GRLF, MONI, NEWH, VNUE, HMNU

Momentum is something almost all investors look for when they start exploring the stock markets every day and it is easy to see why. Stocks which gain momentum can often carry that on for a few days and end up delivering gains to investors within a fairly short period of time. This morning investors are going to be looking into a number of stocks which may have gained momentum in…

August 3, 2022

New Name “Zerify, Inc.” F/K/A StrikeForce (OTC:SFOR) New Symbol “ZRFY” Same Great Company

August 2, 2022

When a stock starts trading under its new ticker symbol then it is almost always regarded as a significant piece of news and yesterday it was the turn of Zerify Inc to start trading under its new ticker symbol. The company has been in business for as long as 21 years and previously it had been known as StikeForce Technologies Inc  (OTC: SFOR). The company is a cybersecurity company and…