Viking Energy Group, Inc. (OTCMKTS: VKIN) Potential Boosted as DOE Drop-In the Tank Equivalent

January 18, 2022

Living in today’s technologically advanced society where information is a text, tweet, and social media post away, the masses have become accustomed to instant gratification. Terms like biomass, biofuel, and renewable provide a certain jingle in our ears, along with peace of mind and comfort in our hearts.  Yet, we know that the typical ramifications surrounding such terms are anything but instant…. Fortunately, a sharp curve in advancement has been…


Rogue One, Inc. (OTCMKTS: ROAG) A Tequila Involved Decision You Will Likely Not Regret

January 18, 2022

With consumers confined to their own homes over the past year due to the Covid-19 pandemic, alcohol sales reports indicate a substantial increase in consumption with beer sales up 42%, wine sales up 66%, and liquor sales like tequila and gin increasing 75% compared to the same time last year.  With the effects of the pandemic causing various dislocations throughout the majority of the markets, trends in the ‘Sin Stocks’…


Allied Energy Corp. (OTCMKTS: AGYP) Primed to Rise to Substantial Production Levels

January 18, 2022

Allied Energy Corporation is drilling diligently on American soil in hopes of alleviating a portion of the United States’ foreign oil dependence.  Late last year, Allied was strategically bringing several of their quintessential oil fields revamp projects online, pointing toward 2022 being a prosperous year for this independent energy company.  The Annie Gilmore project comprises five wells leased by AGYP encompassing 300 acres in Crystal Falls, Texas.  News on AGYP’s…