Although the market may be a bit volatile at this point in time due to a wide range of factors, there are some stocks which are going to continue to generate significant gains nonetheless. It is important for investors to perhaps anticipate some of the stocks which are going to be able to clock handsome gains this week before the start of the trading week. This article is going to…
Monday’s Momentum List: WHSI, DRFS, AABB, GEGI, HCMC, JPEX
Investors are often on the lookout for stocks that may have gained momentum for the simple reason that if the momentum continues then there could be some gains that could be enjoyed. As another trading day begins, it may be a good time for investors to consider taking a look at some of the stocks which may have gained momentum and could well be on the watch lists today. Here…
Why Did Marijuana Strategic Ventures Inc (OTCMKTS:MSVI) Stock Fall 11% on Friday?
Over the course of the past week, the Marijuana Strategic Ventures Inc (OTCMKTS:MSVI) stock has been in the middle of a severe selloff and the situation remained the same last Friday as the stock went down by another 11%. That took the decline that had taken place over the course of the past week to as much as 60%. Considering the magnitude of the selloff in the stock, it may…
SmartMetric Inc (OTCMKTS:SMME) Stock Continues to Fall: Here is Why
The past few days have been quite difficult for the investors in SmartMetric Inc (OTCMKTS:SMME) as the stock continued on its downward slide. The stock suffered from a selloff on Friday yet again to end the day with a decline of as much as 10%. That took the decline over the course of the past week to as much as 32%. Trading Data On Friday, SMME stock slid 9.62% to…
LUXXFOLIO Holdings Inc (OTCMKTS:LUXFF) Stock Gains On Operational Updates
While it is true that the markets have been quite volatile in recent times, there are still some sticks that have managed to go against the tide and clocked meaningful gains. One such stock was that of LUXXFOLIO Holdings Inc (OTCMKTS:LUXFF), which came into sharp focus among investors on Friday and ended the day with gains of as much as 13%. Before delving into the reasons behind the rally and…
Why Did Golden Grail Technology Corp (OTCMKTS:GOGY) Soar 51% On Friday?
Golden Grail Technology Corp (OTCMKTS:GOGY) is engaged in identifying and acquiring brands in different beverage categories. The company’s portfolio includes beverage brands in fruit essence water and energy drink categories. Formerly known as Golden Energy Corp, the company changed its name to Golden Grail Technology Corp. in November 2014. The firm was formerly incorporated in 1985 and is based in Weston, Florida. Trading Data On Friday, GOGY stock soared over…
Health Advance Inc (OTCMKTS:HADV) CBD Infused Wine Beverage Now in Production
Health Advance Inc (OTCMKTS:HADV) Utilizes a proprietary CBD-infused technology on products oriented to health and wellness. Health Advance’s 66° Beverage Company brand of non-alcoholic CBD infused wine(s) embraces innovative non-alcoholic options in the beverage lifestyle sector, among other products and sectors. The company announced earlier this month on July 7 that the wine beverage had gone into production. That was a major new announcement from the company and one that…
Bell Buckle Holdings Inc (OTCMKTS: BLLB) Merges with Jump Start Sports Announces YTD Revenues
One of the companies that may well come into focus among investors this week is Bell Buckle Holdings Inc (OTCMKTS: BLLB). Bell Buckle is a holding company that is involved in technology, and management and is also focused on the development of strategic partnerships in its pursuit of growth. Not too long ago, the company decided to merge with Jump Star Sports, which provided the company with the opportunity to…
“New Name New Strategy” – Zerify, Inc. / StrikeForce Technologies, (OTCQB: SFOR)
If a company changes its name then it is almost always regarded as major news and it is important for investors to take a closer look at that particular development. Not too long ago StrikeForce Technologies changed its name to Zerify (OTCMKTS:SFOR) and it may be a good idea to take a closer look at the rationale behind the move. As it happens, earlier on in the month on July…
Three Valley Copper (OTCMKTS:TVCCF) Stock Soars After Issuing Update on MTV’s Filing
At the beginning of another trading week, it may be a good time for investors to consider taking a look at some of the stocks which may have clocked handsome gains this past Friday. One of the stocks to have made a big move last Friday was that of Three Valley Copper (OTCMKTS:TVCCF), which ended up with gains of as much as 30% for the day. In light of such…